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Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program

To help Austinites at risk of losing their rental housing due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the City of Austin has created the Relief of Emergency Needs for Tenants (RENT) Assistance Program. Austin residents living within full city limits, impacted by COVID-19, and earning a low-income may be eligible.

The program provides up to 6 months of rent support for eligible renters impacted by the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. To apply and learn more about the program, please visit

If you need assistance with applying for the program, AGE of Central Texas can provide FREE assistance in completing the City of Austin application.  Simply clink the link below, fill out the contact form, and we will reply to set up a virtual or telephone appointment to help you complete your application.

Para ayudar a los residentes de Austin en riesgo de perder sus viviendas alquiladas debido a la pandemia de COVID-19, la Ciudad de Austin creó el programa de asistencia Alivio de Necesidades de Emergencia para Inquilinos (RENT). Los residentes de Austin que viven dentro de los límites completos de la ciudad, afectados por COVID y con ingresos bajos pueden ser elegibles. 

El programa proporciona apoyo para las personas afectados por la pandemia en curso.  Mas información